So i am deep into the summer and my weight loss is going ok. Not too well but whatever, things happen and the rest. I will start going to the pool from tomorrow so that should be interesting. My new bike has been fantastic so far but the people who put it together seem to be idiots as many little things seem to be put together poorly. The new Iphone was revealed today, $300 for the 16gb with GPS and a 3g network. It looks fantastic and i hope to get it as soon as my current tmobile contract runs out. Other then that life has been the same. I watched season 2 of Dexter and i am moving on to the Sopranos season 6 and Rome Season 2. I have been playing more Mass Effect but i think i am going to go back to WoW for a while. I will do some PVP on my priest, get some badges on my Rogue and do whatever. I don't think i am going to be raiding at this point because of my class and gear but who knows what will happen in the future. My good CPU broke again as it wouldn't even turn on this time but hopefully everything comes back soon and in good condition. I sent it out friday and still no word from Alienware which is a bit concerning but it was the weekend. Metal Gear Solid 4 comes out in 2 days, i'll give that a shot and i hope i enjoy it. I have a stack of Wii games that need playing and GTA4 has not been touched enough. Well thats enough talking for now, i need to post more consistently so i can write a little bit better.
PS: Wowinsider has an opening for a Rogue write and i really want to try out for it but i will have to do some writing. I have to remember to do that. If i do, i'll post what i write on to this blog. Hopefully everything goes well.
Here are the videos i have for this time:
Alan Moore has this fantastic interview
Here is a fantastic song