About Video Games, Music or whatever is on my mind.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
More exams?!
So yes! My exam got moved around and instead of being done on Monday i'll be done on Tuesday. Not the biggest deal and i guess i have more time to study for my Bio final now. Other then that my life has been going just horribly which is to be expected for exam time. On the gaming side of things, i am gaining some interest on Ninja Gaiden II which seems to be going for the "i wont had your ass to you every 10 seconds" this time around. Which is nice because i am terrible at those types of games. I blame my fat fingers. Too Human has a solid release date now (Aug 19th?) and i am hopeful for the game. It seems to be a hybrid World of Warcraft and Fable with far more guns. The problem is that the level and character design look way too basic and the story looks flat out boring and lame. I mean Gears of War bad. But like i said, i still have hope for the game as i don't want to judge it before i play it and i might actually enjoy the story/world once i get into it. Speaking of Gears of War, the sequel seems to be gaining some steam and cliffyb is giving some interviews about it. I am not going to lie, i don't really care about this game. The first one was short and i still got bored with through 75% of the game. If it did not have online Coop there would have been no way i would have even bothered with it. Still i hope Gears 2 ends up being a little more fun and maybe i'll try out the multiplayer this time. The drums for Guitar Hero 4 were shown in game informer and i am not impressed. I don't play the drums in Rock Band and if thats the best they have to offer count me out this time around. I hear rumors of a create your own track sort of thing but i doubt they will let me download tracks from other people for free and i wont have enough time to do anything worthwhile with it. Fable 2 is building up steam in my book, there were some thoughts of bad AI but i don't honestly care that much. I loved the first fable and if the whole dog mechanic doesn't work out because of bad AI, i'll be disappointed but it should not be a gamebreaker. A ton of news on Wrath of the lich king was announced last week and i think the whole concept of 10 man and 25 man dungeons being the same is interesting and for the better of the game. Sure it'll mess up the lore but hell, atleast i'll be able to kill the lich king. I might actually keep a 10 man raiding schedule while at school for the hell of it. Avatar the Last Airbender is going to be ending soon and i am sad to see it go. I want to end with some good news so i am happy to say that The Spectacular Spider-Man TV show is fantastic. Fun fresh and moves extreemly quickly through the spiderman lore with perfect reinvention of certain characters (Eddie Brock and Gwen Stacy) makes this the best new show of 2008 so far. Well thats enough of me wasting time and talking about something i love, the horrible real world waits for no man.
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