Thursday, February 28, 2008


So that last post was from 2am (earlier today) after i played some Rez before i went to bed. Anyways Thursdays are a lost for me as i love the show Lost. I will have to go on a Lost rant some day but today i want to talk about Eli Stone. Yes the sometimes crappy show that comes on after lost. The show premiered after season opener of Lost and it seemed that the show had hope. It had high viewer retention and had an interesting premise, a lawyer who had visions to help out unfortunate people. Now since then, the show has pretty much been on repeat, having eli balancing his love, family, work and social life while trying to keep his secret. His secret being an inoperable brain anurism. Complicated no? Well for the first time, after tonight's episode, i am interested to see what happens next week. Eli might get disbarred and they seem to be moving the story along. Well i'm tired now so i am going to stop talking, my horrible blog posting for the day is done. I hope to play some WoW and COD4 this weekend. I should stick to talking about video games. And Lost. I love Lost.

Thumb blogging - 2am

I just played rez hd and oh boy was that an experience! I thought the
game was too simple at first but once you get into it, the game somehow
pulls you in. It costs 800 ms points so I have to get it. I actually
have rez for the ps2 but I never played it, guess I'll give it a go on
my ps3 this march. So that's 800 points for rez, 160 points for 'still
alive' rock band dlc, and 400 for the mass effect dlc. That's 1360
points which would mean it will be cheapest to get the 1600 point pack
for $20. Or I might buy 1500 points ($12.50 + $6.25) online from xbl
since it's all I need and $1.25 less with no tax. 100 points for $1.25
is just weird. Anyways I'll probablly buy this stuff this weekend and
spend some time with rez. Huzzah for late night cell phone blogging with
my thumbs.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


All the songs from Rock Band on a youtube playlist.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Funny Games

A horror movie with no gore? Color me interested.

It's a trap!

I played some Rock Band for the first time today, while it is a good game i think it will take longer to get used to then i expected. It's almost like learning Guitar Hero over again, which (initially) was a horrible and long experience. I'll play some COD4 this weekend and maybe play more RB this week. Metal Gear Solid 4 got a release date, which is great news. June should be a slow month and i know i will enjoy playing it. A PSP God of War Bundle is coming out which i am thinking of getting this march, i have wanted the new psp for it's video out features and getting one with MGS4 is a good deal i would think. GTA4 will be out in April meaning that sony will have a string of hit games coming out almost every month (if you count a fantastic PSP game as one.) I guess i'll hold off on spending money if i want to get the PSP in march, it will be $200 and i need to cut back on spending anyways. I feel like i am too material and even though i want to cut back, i just can't seem to stop my self on buying something new. I can't see myself not buying GTA4, MGS4, Fable 2 or any other big game at launch, which means i'll be spending about $60 each. *sigh* Atleast i am holding off on buying the new phoenix wright game till the price drops, i guess thats a step in the right direction. Day Break is arriving to DVD and i do want to buy that because it was a great show and i don't know how many of the DVD's they will print. I will also have to try and pick up the movie Brick just because it was so amazing. *sigh* Me and my spending.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Mad as hell

So i got The Orange Box for about $30 after price match and reward zone junk from Best Buy and i am enjoying Portal. The game is as fantastic as promised and i think i am about half way through. I also got Rock Band into my room now, i hope to have it set up tomorrow after i get some of the furniture removed. I also want to get the wireless network up and going so i can get back onto Xbox live. I tried to play some Mass Effect but i realized that playing the game for only the achievements is not very fun at all. My soldier has a maxed out assault riffle skill but i stuck using the sniper because i need the achievement. So that being said, i think it's time to take a break from Mass Effect. I'll play more Orange Box and Rock Band and then try some Call of Duty 4 later this week. This week should be very good, i plan to really slack and get some good game time in. I hope to finish Phoenix Wright Trials and Tribulations as the new game is already out. I might get some advance wars Days of Ruin into the mix to change things up. I have been playing the multiplayer and i am really enjoying it. Other then that, i have a test tomorrow so i guess i'll be going to bed earlier then i expected. Maybe i'll watch some Zero Punctuation and then play some Portal before bed.

New games

I got Rockband and i am going to try and get orange box today. Gonna play me some portal monday night. I'll post again later.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Monday, February 18, 2008

Sunday, February 17, 2008

So yeah

3 weeks into the school year and i have tests this week. Things are going ok so far, i've only missed one class and that was because my alarm did not go off. Anyways i have been playing Mass Effect. So much Mass Effect. I completed the game and then again on Hardcore. I have 730 of the 1000 achievements and it will take about 3 more playthroughs to get them all. Other then that i have been crawling through Phoenix Wright Trials and Tribulations which is just feels slower then the last two games. I have tried Zelda Phantom Hourglass and it is decent so far, if i get time i'll invest some time into it. I played some Assassin's Creed on the PS3 before coming to school and i had issues with bugs that hindered my experience. I have still yet to play Bioshock and Call of Duty 4 even though i own both. Bioshock will be something i start in summer i have decided, i do not want to sucked into a deep and interesting game if i can't play it consistently. I will play COD4 in 2 weeks after i am done with all my Tests in the near future. I hear it's a quick so i should be done with it rather soon. In other news it is good to hear that Bluray has won the format wars and my PS3 will retain it's value. Other then that my life has been slow, my sleep cycle is messed up and i have been feeling tired but that is life. Other then that here are two funny stories i recently read:

11 Movies saved by historical inaccuracies

5 ways hollywood tricks you into seeing bad movies

Thats all for this time (month?) I'll do this again when i don't feel like doing any work.

PS: Amazing Song
